Sunday, February 6, 2011


Prettykay at CHRONICLES OF A SEMI-SERIOUS CHICK!!! nominated me for this award. Thank you, Twinny! 

Aristotle once said that 'Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Prettykay is who I'd probably be sharing a soul with if that quote was literally true. We compliment each other amazingly well for two people with such contrasting personalities and it's one of the seven wonders of friendship that we've been together since second grade and no matter how long we 'breakup', we always come back together. Distance, time, growing up, etc, etc. have all had their hand at trying to break us up and failed. I will do a proper post about our friendship later on but this was just to let you know that if you like my blog, there's a high possibility you'll like hers too. So if you didn't already check her out, do so and let me know what you think...

As per the memo, I am supposed to say 7 things about myself that you didn't know before... Well, here goes

1) Seven (7) is my favourite number. I have no idea why I like that number above all others. It was thus fitting that my dearest cousin read about her here, who was more like a sister, now of blessed memory, was born on 7th July (07/07). Could that be why I like Seven? Hmm....

2) I cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would want to mix sugar and pepper/salt in their food. I like my sweets sweet and my meats spicy and do not appreciate attempts at mixing sweet and spicy. Please do not attempt to serve me sweet and sour sauce, pineapple on pizza, anything with barbecue sauce on it,... you get the picture. When I am feeling very benevolent, I will eat orange chicken. And that's pushing it.

3) I'll 90% of the time choose to stay home and cuddle a good book or a good man, as the case may be, over a night out on the town. (My conscience is pricking me to make that 95%. I refuse to think I'm that bad.)

4) I am a chocolate addict. Seriously, I used to starve myself and use my money for chocolate. I even think of my recommended daily caloric intake in terms of chocolate. As it stands, I am supposed to eat five snicker bars worth of calories a day. I have tried rehab several times and failed. Exercise and healthy food choice is not a problem for me at the moment. Now if only I could give up chocolate, I'd be a svelte UK size 8, the size that keeps eluding me. 

5) I am a confirmed Francophile (lover of all things French). If you want to make me really happy, take me to France, Switzerland or Belgium. I'll even settle for French Canada. All that is missing from my love affair with French is the accent and I'll love to stay in any of these places long enough to pick up the accent. France is my first choice, naturally.

6) I love Ghana and all things Ghanaian. Even when I'm frustrated at every point, there's no place like home and I really hope God equips me and brings me to the right opportunity to make a difference in the history of my country. Did I mention that I loved Ghana? Lol.

7) I feel a little sad that I am African and have never been on an African Safari. When people in an attempt to identify with me, tell me they have been to Africa and were in Kenya, etc... I realize how little of Africa I know and how it's kind of messed up that once we can afford it, everyone vacations and honeymoons everywhere but in Africa. As God wills, I shall go on a Safari before I turn 30. Can I hear an amen!

Spreading the good cheer around, I nominate (this is going to be hard since most people have had their turn already)...

1) Enitan : I love her blog. It's real and very versatile.

2) KitKat : I just found her but her posts never fail to make me smile or SMH in amusement. And don't go near style. This lady will brave hell, high-water or a tummy-ache to get beautiful boots :)

3) Suzanne : Her dedication to fitness is a constant inspiration and I love her style.

4) Dava My gosh! Style, check. Versatility, check. My visits to this blog always make me learn a thing or two about literature, effective writing and wit.

5)  Taynement If I could meet any of the bloggers I read, she'd definitely going to make it to top three.

6)  Gee : A woman of God with style, passion and devotion.

7)  Julz : Versatile doesn't begin to describe her writing and she's got style on and off blogsville. Even has her own line of clothing... Young African entrepreneur. We need more of her :)

of course I'll stop at seven... What's the use of having a favourite number???


  1. Count me in at 2, 3 and 4, lol. I want to do seven too, God willing. Nice list.

  2. i'm with you for the most part on #2 BUT i do love kettle corn :)

    check out my jewelry giveaway

  3. Ditto to those African travels! Mine have so far been limited to flying through Dakar and Casablanca - looking forward to the day I'll actually get out of the airport and explore.

    And ahh Francophile - wish I could add the very word to my name!

  4. I totally feel u on number 3 and 7. I want to go to Ghana by the way. It's like every Nigerian i talk to these days has been to Ghana.

  5. Thank you, Myne. We shall do seven... we must. I'm sure the trip will birth another bestseller for you. There's tons to discover.

    @ Simply chic, hmm... never had kettle corn but I'll stick by my words till proven otherwise.

    @ Dava: great minds... we'll get along beautifully.

    @ Sting: You're always welcome. When you're returning, I'll go with you to see Naija.
