Wednesday, December 21, 2011


We all have them. We like some, and are not particularly fond of others. We had some thrust upon us with centuries, decades or years of history behind them; and we create others. And there are certain traditions we never notice becoming traditions until circumstance or forgetfulness hinders us from doing them and we go through the rest of the day feeling like something is missing.

One such 'tradition' for me is getting a caramel frappachino from Starbucks every time I’m at an airport. I never noticed this sneaking up on me because I was formerly of the rigid stance that I would never succumb to the Starbucks craze. In all honesty, I am of the genre of coffee drinkers who will never notice if you gave them the finest of brews today and switched it tomorrow. Unless it has an unusual smell or is too acidic for my poor stomach, it is coffee like all the others.

I had to be coerced and have my drink paid for to try my first caramel frap. And yet, today, I find myself going great lengths to a find Starbucks every time I’m in an airport. I rationalize the calories away with the insignificant number of times I travel per annum. And there’s no way to describe how the first sip feels, nor the warmth I feel enjoying my frappachino (although I usually get it cold).

It’s become my very own tradition. Wherever I find myself, it’s a little piece of familiarity that I can count on. It’s like that familiar face in the midst of a strange crowd. No matter how big, busy, or labyrinthic an airport is, in my cup of caramel frappachino, I find the comfort of familiarity. And it makes me feel at home.
Do you have any such tradition? I’d like to hear about it.


  1. I don't drink coffee, but I absolutely love the smell of it. Sometimes, as opposed to asking a random person what the time is (perfectly acceptable), what I'd really like to do is ask to smell their coffee (NOT acceptable)

    My little tradition: I always buy books at airport duty-free shops. It's a pricey one, not to mention the added weight in the suitcase of a girl who already can't pack light to save her life!

  2. Love this post! I wish I could drink coffee as I adore the aroma, but I've self-diagnosed myself with Irritable Bowel Syndrome since coffee gives me an upset tummy every time I drink it. I can't even drink my fave Caramel Macchiato from Starbucks! :(

    My biggest tradition is getting whatever contains chocolate on the dessert menu at a restaurant. If there are more than one item with chocolate in it, I pick the most sinful-sounding one, lol. If there's nothing with chocolate, most times I'll get nothing, and on the rare occasion I'll try something without chocolate. What can I say, I love chocolate!

  3. I love coffee in all guises of cream and coffee. Heaven comes to us in many ways:)

  4. for me its hot chocolate...but i love the smell of coffee

  5. You reminded me of my own 'airport tradition,' since I just came from there this morning. I swear, it's the only place I ever eat McDonald's. Nothing makes a red-eye flight more tolerable than a bellyfull of fatty sausage mcmuffin!

  6. I love coffee. The smell, the taste, everything about it

  7. hmm at movie theathers abroad the junkier the better. not sure if that counts, Ive ordered pasta at a sit down one. Ive gotten nachos at most. and in Nigeria shawarma. its a mess.

    maybe i should think of a better tradition

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @ Dava: haha. I can't pack light to save my life either. And I do spend some browsing time in the bookstores but I usually indulge in another guilty pleasure; buying cosmopolitan *hides face*

    @ Miss.Fab: Chocoholics unite. If we ever find ourselves in the the same place we are doing a coffee and chocolate appreciation date.

    @ Adura Ojo: You know! Heaven on earth must be enjoyed.

    @ Stelzz: Hot chocolate is my go-to drink for cold winter nights. I live the Nestle 80 cal packs with mini marshmallows :)

    @ A beer for the shower: haha. I'll keep that in mind for my next red-eye flight. knew I was doing something wrong.

    @ Okeoghene: Me too :) *sips coffee*

    @ Bombchell: Haha. I love shawarma. Unless you go to the cinema often, there's no harm. Indulgence is food for the soul. Once in a while.

  10. Aww you make coffee sound so good
    You have no idea, I so want to grab a cup myself, right about now :)

  11. @MsJB: Haha. You should. I just had some :P
